Excellent Chemistry Through Inclusion: CMA-supported symposia in Philadelphia

Social and Chemical Science of Diversity Equity-Invited,Oral
Cosponsored by CHED and PROF
R. Hernandez, Organizer
S. Iyer, D. Stallings, Organizers, Presiding
1:15 . Inclusive education at Stony Brook University.N.S. Sampson
1:35 . Enabling diversity conversations with department chairs through OXIDE.S. Iyer, D. Stallings, R. Hernandez
1:55 . Getting to Lake Wobegon: The role of departments in diversifying PhD chemistry graduates.S.L. Laursen
2:15 . Unconscious bias against women in STEM.K.G. Fleming
2:35 Intermission.
2:50 . Learning from OXIDE: Experiences of a department chair.W.B. Tolman
3:10 . Diversity matters.S. Prince
3:30 . Model(ing) chemistry departments: A computational exploration of diversity and discovery.M.M. Francl
3:50 . Pipeline for students with disabilities in post-secondary education. Where are the doctorates?.K.S. Booksh, S. Rozovsky, J. Smith


New Trends in Organometallic Chemistry Leading to Organic Synthesis-Invited, Oral
Sponsored by ORGN, Cosponsored by CMA‡ and INOR