
Awards and Recognition Subcommittee
The Awards & Recognition Subcommittee administers the award programs of the CMA as well as nominates eminent people underrepresented in STEM for ACS awards and editorial positions. This member is also responsible for recognizing the service of CMA committee members. Members of this committee include:
Onofrio “Dick” Gaglione (Chair) oggag AT
Kishore K. Bagga (Vice-Chair) Kishore.Bagga AT
Armando M. Rivera‐Figueroa
Orlando Acevedo
Mary J. Ondrechen
Albert N. Thompson, Jr.

Communications Subcommittee
This subcommittee manages external communication of the Committee to the chemistry enterprise at large, as well as internal communication within the Committee. is a Communications Subcommittee project to unify our internet and social media presence. Members of this committee include:
Ann C. Kimble-Hill (Chair) ankimble AT
Mary K. Boyd (Vice-Chair) mboyd AT
Angedith Poggi
Barbara Belmont
John Dicesare
Michael Santiago
Steven Lopez

Membership Engagement and Professional Development Subcommittee
The focus of this subcommittee is to manage new member on‐boarding, research CMA constituencies to identify relevant future programs, and manage a professional development program for CMA members. Members of this committee include:
Hiroko Karan (Chair) hiroko AT
Kimberley Jackson (Vice-Chair) kjackson AT
Patrick M. Gordon
Trinity N. Horton
Alyssa Thomas

Scholars Subcommittee
This subcommittee provides oversight of the ACS Scholars program. This includes encouraging ACS Scholars transition to ACS membership and engaging in an annual program review. Members of this committee include:
Al Ribes (Chair) AJRibes AT
Linette Watkins (Vice-Chair)
Harry Bermudez
Iona Black
Trinity Hale
Robert M. Hoyte
Daniel J. Mindiola
Amy K. Paris
Wanda Seyton
Thomas W. Smith

Programming & Events Subcommittee
The purpose of this subcommittee is to organize symposia, luncheons, and other events at national and regional ACS meetings on relevant topics to the ACS stakeholders. Members of this committee include:
Jerry Sarquis (Chair) sarquijl AT
Dawood Afzal (Vice-Chair) afzal AT
Luke E.K. Achenie
Darryl R. Pratter
Shanadeen C. Begay
Pamela Brown
John Engelman
Christopher Hobbs
Robert Hoyte
Dan O’Leary
Michael Santiago
Alyssa Thomas